This is a blog worthy entry because I cook around 6 times a year. And when I cook, I only cook spaghetti or carbonara.
Having a growing kid has pressured me to learn my family's Sinigang recipe. Our helper can only fry and my mom is out today, so I took on the brave task of preparing Denver and Ippo's favorite ulam.
I don't like Sinigang, but like I said, I'm learning this for them.
Our family has a different way of preparing Sinigang. Well, everyone's different and this is how we like it.
This was supposed to be our lunch but because of some "issues," I completed the dish at 3:07PM.
Ate Jhoanne mistakenly thawed pork steak in the morning, so at 12NN we were still pulling out a slab of meat from the freezer. I boiled the pork for a long time. Promise.
After watching the pot for over an hour, I sauteed garlic, onions and tomatoes, then added the pork in the saute. I know Sinigang should have other veggies, but since Denver and Ippo just like the kangkong, I didn't bother with the other good stuff. I seasoned the saute with patis, added the labanos, and then the kangkong.

From time to time I was adding some broth. The final act is to pour my saute in the broth, and then add the sampaloc mix. Last in are the chilis.
Ippo calls this dish magic sabaw. He just finished his first serving and now asking for seconds.