She reminds me of myself when I was younger (like eight to ten years ago-younger). That was a time when I was so caught up in myself. My life was all about just me and my friends. Breakfast at McDonald’s Greenbelt, lunch break at T.G.I.F. or Area Café Glorietta, night walks at the S.L.V. park, parties at Zu, Fashion Café, Hard Rock, afternoons at Starbucks 6750, movie premieres at Louie's THX, FAB nights… kolehiyala drama. We did everything together back then, and oh, how I loved every minute with my friends. We’re still in touch. We still have so much drama in our lives (does it ever go away?). Things are so much different now. It’s nice to look back at a different me, but I love my life now. Now is difficult, but I love it anyway.
Someone close to me made a comment a few days ago. That person said that I never enjoyed my money ever since I started working. True. I worked because my family needed my support. Not like my peers who work to spend for enjoyment. I admit that sometimes, I wonder how it feels to splurge all my earnings on myself, but I never regret working hard to put my brother in school, to keep my family in an apartment and to place food on the table.
I may never enjoy the feeling of buying a brand new car, but I don’t think that can replace the joy of taking care of my family. I could only sympathize for that person who made that comment. Responsibility is such a challenge for him. I am sad to say that he would be eating my dust if we were in a race. Laughable, but still sad.
I was immersed in "fun with friends" at one point in my life. Like I said, now is different, now is difficult, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I really couldn't relate with the kind of college lifestyles you've had. Maybe it's because I only studied in the province and that TGIF, Starbucks or any bars are something that don't exist. But I think even though I studied in UP, I still wouldn't have that very luxurious life mainly because I am really a stingy person, we are not rich and I am an introvert. I could remember that having my lunch at a carenderia instead of going home is something that would make me guilty because I've spent some 30 pesos from my allowance. Getting to Jollibee or McDo is something I usually do but most of the time, I ask somebody to treat me there, except if I'm going with my crush.
I am very different from what I used to be. You could say I was spoiled when my father was still alive. I spent like there was no tomorrow.
There’s one thing I will never forget on my first day in college. This girl asked me, “do you drive your own car to school?” The question struck me as outrageous because I’m just not used to questions related to lifestyle. I’ve always been one who valued relationships and human dignity over material things. But this girl ended up as one of my very good friends in college. My friends in college were really pampered little spoiled brats in the beginning. Life molded them into something else later on. It’s funny how they’ve all become jologs and kuripot like me, especially when we all started working.
The best part really has nothing to do about the places we hung out. It's really the people I’m with that makes me cherish those memories.
I am still an impulsive spender from time to time. But when my finances are really bad, I go to work with just enough money to pay my tricycle and jeepney fare. For the longest time since I started working, I’ve been spending on everyone else but me. One of my resolutions is to budget wisely so I can also splurge on myself. I have to say though that I still hate buying expensive stuff. I don’t own any designer clothes, shoes or bags that were not given to me.
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