Saturday, August 18, 2007

Feast One Hundred & Fifty Six


Describe your laundry routine. Do you have a certain day when you do it all, or do you just wash whatever you need for the next day?

I am a stressed, undomesticated, working mom. I am fortunate to have help with laundry and other household chores.

When hubby and I first lived together though, we had no help. I was pregnant and working with four or five loads in the washing machine once or twice a week.


In your opinion, what age will you be when you’ll consider yourself to truly be old?

My mom is fifty-seven and I don’t consider her old. Her attitude makes a youthful difference. I hope to be hip like her.

I would probably consider myself truly old when I start losing weight without any effort, and get wrinkly fingers without soaking in the tub. I’d probably be between sixty-five to seventy years old. But I would consider myself very lucky if I lived up to sixty-five, considering my unhealthy lifestyle.


What is one of your goals? Is it short-term, long-term, or both?

One of my short-term goals is to get a promotion this year. I think that’s more realistic than losing forty pounds.

Main Course

Name something unbelievable you’ve seen or read lately.

It was pretty unbelievable for me to see the SexBomb Girls in Wikipedia, and that someone documented their history, including their oust from Eat Bulaga. It was interesting to find out how much each member was making. Not bad at all. Look it up. And I thought they were getting peanuts.


On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how happy are you today?

Nine? Because…

… it’s dark outside and I like that.
… my boss is on day off. (I don’t hate my boss, I just don’t feel any pressure when he’s not around, and that’s a good thing, right?)
… I have posted an entry today. I’ve been seriously busy these last couple of weeks.
… I still have money left from last pay-day.
… little bro sent me some $.
… I’m looking forward to having lunch at Kooky & Luscious. My newest fave.
… I know I’ll be with Ippo at the end of the day.

Might turn into a ten if Denver and I get along today.

More of Friday’s Feasts

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