Thursday, November 08, 2007

Miss CSI and The Hilton Heiress

On Saturday afternoon, Denver showed me a text message from his ex. She simply asked him how he was. According to Denver he didn’t reply. I’m just wondering how his ex got his mobile number after changing numbers twice. I guess she also has CSI skills like me. Hahahahaha.

Last night, I gave my two cents about Denver’s friend. Something about what he said she said ticked me off. I told Denver that this friend of his is “walang kwentang tao” and a social climber. I know that’s so mean of me to say. I’d be pissed off if Denver said something like that about my family or friends, but I couldn’t help it. She wipes white people’s asses in the U.S. for a living but she acts like she’s a Hilton heiress. I don’t want to justify my opinion of her with details of her royal bitchness. I don’t like her, period.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

way to go bebs!!! taray! youre so cute :-)